To complete your visit, you can watch an historical movie about the dam translat in English, or take free leaflets in English or German to guide your visit, one for adults and another in English and Spanish specially for children aged  4-10 years.


Unfortunately we don't offer guided tours in English for individuals, but our team speaks English and Spanish.


NEW// You can play our Escape Game in english ! You have 1h to escape the museum and solve the puzzles (by reservation only), 30€ for a groupe of 4 to 6 persons.



We offer guided tours in English for groups of 10 or more people, by reservation only. (Child or adults, contact us for prices).


You can also play our Escape Game ! You have 1h to escape the museum and solve the puzzles (by reservation only).


Duration : 75 mins

Électrothèque du lac de Guerlédan

Musée de l'Électricité


Rue du Musée



Tél : 02 97 27 51 39

Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux !

Horaires d'ouverture


  D'avril à septembre 

du mardi au samedi : 10h-12h30/14h-18h 


Vacances d'Hiver et de la Toussaint



Groupes : toute l'année, sur réservation


Musée fermé les jours fériés.